Monday, 20 April 2009

Reached Step 6

Today I reached Step 6. I found whilst at work 6p which takes me to 16p.

I wish I was further on but that will come im sure.

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Up to Step 5

Right, i have counted those coins I found around the house left it seems by the previous occupants and have a total of 10p. So advance to Step 5 I go.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Still no progress to Step 2 but i've not forgotten the challenge

Well only 1 post during March and that was to say there has been no progress. Well reasons behind no updates or progress towards Step 2 was due to moving house to a bigger 3 bed property.

I can report that the previous tenants left some coins lying around the property so ill count these as it is free money towards my total so when I post next I should have passed Step 2.